Thursday 29 March 2012

Green Smoothies

So finally a post that includes cucumbers as a vital point. From the title, cacao and cucumbers. I eat cucumbers most days, as part of a green smoothie. There are loads of websites and books that encourage green smoothies and juices, as a way to get a big hit of nutrients in an easy to digest (and palatable!) way. I got inspired to do the green thing after reading Kris Carr’s Blog,crazysexylife
I started off with a hand held mixer, which often left big chunks of veg floating in my glass. The more raw food recipes I read, the more I came across the need  for a whizz bang, high speed blender. Then, all of a sudden, it was that time of year! A birthday present suggestion later, super dooper blender is mine! (Thanks Mum and Dad x). 
Here is a pic of what I put in the first green smoothie I made in my new blender: 
You’re seeing rockmelon, cucumber, broccoli, baby spinach…There’s some coconut oil too, that you can’t see.
A short 30 seconds later, 
Smooth, creamy goodness. No hint of a lump, anywhere. (That white bit on the blender is a drop of coconut oil gone solid when it mixed with cold water.)
I find with some fat added - coconut oil or avocado, a smoothie sustains me for a few hours. And looking at a whole jug full of veggies, then knowing I ate all that for BREAKFAST, well, it’s a great start to the day!

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