I always appreciate not going out drinking and partying on a Saturday night, when I wake up on Sunday not hungover. This Sunday morning was no exception. It was a clear and sunny morning, but quite cool, perfect bike riding temperature. So, I went for a bike ride. I rode mostly along the capital city trail (http://www.bv.com.au/general/bikes-and-riding/43792/), which is about 30km around the outside of Melbourne city. I got to see a bit of this new city of mine (new to me, at least) and got a decent workout- haven’t ridden more than about 10 km’s in a long time! I also found myself down at Fed Square when an interesting competition was on - ‘Birdman’ where people jump off a barge into the river with homemade wings and see how far they can go. The health aspects of my joy ride? Well, one, obviously, the exercise of the riding. But also, I think it’s healthy to spend some time alone, from time to time. To be ok, just being by yourself. To take the opportunity to ride, without distraction from others, and smell the different air pockets as you ride through them, notice the wind moving the clothing over your skin. It was a nice ‘me’ time.
Then I got home, ready for more healthful goodness - I almost always find that after doing exercise, I crave vegies and fruit. I whipped up this awesome salad:
What’s so good about it?
- Spinach: Good source of folate, iron, fibre, and calcium,
- Raw beetroot: Liver detoxing effect, fibre, vitamin C and iron
- Carrot: Vitamin C, vitamin A, and fibre
- Quinoa: Complete protein, gluten free, manganese, folate
- Tomato: Vitamin C, vitamin A, lycopene
- Walnuts: Omega 3 fatty acids, protein, B vitamins, vitamin E
- Lime juice: Vitamin C
- Flaxseed oil: Omega 3 fatty acids
- Parsley: Vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A
Wow! After writing all that down, the salad seems even better than when I ate it. The best thing about it though? It tastes awesome. I love eating, and eating great tasting food that I know is healthy for me is just so enjoyable. Having a good mental relationship with food is super important for a healthy happy life.
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